Pie-O-Neer Pie Shop For Sale!


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Yes there is still PIE in Pie Town…
Pie-O-Neer Pies is currently being operated by long-time tenant and Pietown resident proprietors of the Pioneer Homestead. Please visit pieoneerhomestead.com for current menu, hours, and details about any plans to visit.

Visit the Pie-O-Neer Facebook Page for updates or call 1-877-PIE TOWN (743-8696).

OR: Email Us for More Info!

Own your own piece of the pie!

In fact, run the whole thing…After 29 years of operation, Pie-O-Neer Pies could be yours!

Turn-key iconic business operation for sale. Includes real estate and equipment, with lodging development possible. Prospectus available upon request.

 Pie-O-Neer Pies: U.S. Pieway 60, Pie Town, NM 87827

Please visit the Pie-O-Neer Facebook page for recent updates.

Pies are our Passion

Join us at the all new Pie Bar!

Please visit pieoneerhomestead.com for complete details about current hours and offerings.

Bill Geist
As seen on CBS Sunday Morning


“…get off the highway, and go to the little strange places, where people still talk to people…and feel that experience you’re not gonna get on an Interstate…You gotta come to Pie Town to get a Pie Town Pie. It’s worth the drive.”

~ Kathy Knapp, The Pie Lady of Pie Town
From CBS Sunday Morning with Bill Geist

When is the Pie Bar open?

Not every day! Please check our Calendar for seasonal hours of operation and upcoming special events with the Pie Lady of Pie Town.

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